-Loose carts in a parking lot present a persistent accident threat to drivers and employees
-Employees maneuvering chains of carts are slow and vulnerable to accidents with faster moving vehicles
-Manual cart collection is often limited to 10 carts at a time due to the weight of large amounts of carts and danger of musculoskeletal injuries.
Manual shopping cart retrieval comes with risks of musculoskeletal injuries. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) acknowledges “there are ergonomic risk factors associated with cart retrieval.”
CartManager® Ultra represents a material advantage for Store Operations managers. CartManager Ultra reduces costs associated with cart retrieval, including labor hours, injury liabilities, and cart-vehicle accidents.
-More Control over heavy cart loads- reduces the chances of a parking lot accident.
-Clear lots faster- CartManager Ultra allows employees to collect 30 carts at a time, 3x what an employee can collect.
-Save time and money- CartManager Ultra users report a 50% reduction in labor hours.
-Less Injury claims- CartManager Ultra prevents overexertion a key source of workplace injuries.
Gatekeeper Systems CARTMANAGER HD Parts and Support
Parking lots are a hazardous place for customers and employees. Unattended carts, constant vehicle traffic and pedestrian foot traffic combine to create a real safety and liability risk for stores. A store and staff face daily issues with:
-Loose carts in a parking lot present a persistent accident threat to drivers and employees
-Employees maneuvering chains of carts are slow and vulnerable to accidents with faster moving vehicles
-Manual cart collection is often limited to 10 carts at a time due to the weight of large amounts of carts and danger of musculoskeletal injuries.
Manual shopping cart retrieval comes with risks of musculoskeletal injuries. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) acknowledges “there are ergonomic risk factors associated with cart retrieval.”
CartManager® Ultra represents a material advantage for Store Operations managers. CartManager Ultra reduces costs associated with cart retrieval, including labor hours, injury liabilities, and cart-vehicle accidents.
-More Control over heavy cart loads- reduces the chances of a parking lot accident.
-Clear lots faster- CartManager Ultra allows employees to collect 30 carts at a time, 3x what an employee can collect.
-Save time and money- CartManager Ultra users report a 50% reduction in labor hours.
-Less Injury claims- CartManager Ultra prevents overexertion a key source of workplace injuries.
-Loose carts in a parking lot present a persistent accident threat to drivers and employees
-Employees maneuvering chains of carts are slow and vulnerable to accidents with faster moving vehicles
-Manual cart collection is often limited to 10 carts at a time due to the weight of large amounts of carts and danger of musculoskeletal injuries.
Manual shopping cart retrieval comes with risks of musculoskeletal injuries. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) acknowledges “there are ergonomic risk factors associated with cart retrieval.”
CartManager® Ultra represents a material advantage for Store Operations managers. CartManager Ultra reduces costs associated with cart retrieval, including labor hours, injury liabilities, and cart-vehicle accidents.
-More Control over heavy cart loads- reduces the chances of a parking lot accident.
-Clear lots faster- CartManager Ultra allows employees to collect 30 carts at a time, 3x what an employee can collect.
-Save time and money- CartManager Ultra users report a 50% reduction in labor hours.
-Less Injury claims- CartManager Ultra prevents overexertion a key source of workplace injuries.
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